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Draft   to   enact   procedure  
LM.01   ---   Registering   Citizens'   Yes/No   before   CM

  1. The word "citizen" in this GO would mean an adult citizen who is a registered voter in the voter-list of the State.

  2. [Procedure for a Secretary appointed by CM ; Purpose - Procedure for citizen to present a proposal to CM] The Secretary will accept a proposal from any citizen for a fee and issue a serial number. The Secretary will charge a fee of exactly Rs 50,000/- by demand draft. The proposal will be of length no more than 10 pages. Within 5 days after issuing the serial number, the Secretary will put the proposal on State Govt's website.

  3. [Procedure for Talaties ; Purpose - Procedure for citizen to register his YES/NO] After 5 days, and within next 60 days after a proposal is presented by the citizen, the Talaties (or their clerks) will allow the citizens to register their YES or NO on the proposal. The clerk will take following things from the citizen :
    1. Rs 3/- fee  
    2. citizen's voter ID as issued by the Election Commission  
    3. Proposal’s serial number as issued by the CM's Secretary.  
    4. his YES or NO.
    The clerk will then make the entries in the computer and will give a computer printed receipt to the citizen.

  4. [Instruction to the Talaties/Clerks] The clerk will allow the citizens to change his YES/NO opinion any day by re-visiting the Talaties’ office after taking the fee.

  5. [Instruction to the Talaties] For each proposal, the Talati will issue a list, consisting of citizens’ Voter-ID number, the receipt number, YES/NO preference and date and send the copy of the list to the Mamlatdar, Collector and CM's secretary every day or week by email or post. The Talati must post the list of citizens with their YES/NO on a web-site.

  6. [Instruction to the Talaties] For each proposal, the Talati will issue a list, consisting of citizens’ Voter-ID number, the receipt number, YES/NO preference and date and send the copy of the list to the CM's secretary every day or week by email or post. The Talati of Secretary must post the list of citizens with their YES/NO on a web-site. The Secretary will publish the counts on website as and when it becomes available to him.

  7. [Instruction to the Talati] On the 61th day after serial number was issued, the Talati will issue a the final list, consisting of citizens’ Voter-ID number, the receipt number, YES/NO preference and date and post the list on the website. He will also send the copy of the list to the Mamalatdar, Collector and CM's secretary.

  8. [Instruction to the Secretary] On the 70th day after serial number was issued, the Secretary will publish the Yes/No Taluka/District wise Yes/No count for that proposal

  9. The count published will have no legal binding on any government officer.

    -----------------(end of the draft) -----------------